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Glasgow 11-13 September 2010

My adventure in Glasgow started at Prestwick Airport.

The airport is at about 50km from Glasgow Central.
When I landed was almost midnight and I was lucky to get the last bus to Glasgow, Bus X99 paid 8£ online.

I was excited to be in Scotland but even very tired because I had a big day in Paris walking all day.

My hostel in Glasgow was the Westend Backpackers so when I arrived at Glasgow Central I had another 2,6km of walk to do.
I could get a cab but that is absolutely not my style...

Finally I found the hostel and I could not wait to go to sleep but I could not find the reception...I went around the building and I found out that the reception was closed because you can not check-in after midnight or so!!!

That was probably one mistake I learned from, always check if hostels have 24hours reception because or else no check-in.

At that point there was nothing else I could do, I had to stay on the street and wait the morning to get to sleep. I saw another hotel there, it was the Amadeus Hotel but it was closed and the reception would have opened at 8am. 

So I past my first night in Scotland walking around on the Great Western Road looking for a warm spot because it was even a cold night.

That night was very quite, nobody in the street, just me waiting for the hotel to open.

The morning arrived and I was upset with the hostel so I decided to go to Amadeus Hotel and see if they had a room.
They had one but the check in for it was at 2pm so I had to wait 6 more hours to sleep.

I decided then to go and see something around the city.

I visited Glasgow Cathedral and the Necropolis both very characteristic and they worth a visit.

Finally check-in time arrived! I got a nice single room with window on the roof, nice and quite with no noises, just what I needed.
I remember that I went to bed at 2pm and I woke up at 7am of the morning after so I slept about 17hours but I needed it.

My trip in Glasgow was pretty much a trip to rest and get back the energy to continue my trip.

My stay at Glasgow was almost finished, my flight to London was scheduled for 14:40 so I had to get back to the airport, I had a nice breakfast at the hotel with bread, cheese, salami, yogurt and I also took some extra breakfast with me so my lunch was guaranteed.

That morning was raining a bit and I remember I could not find anyScotland's flag to photograph.
£3,20 for the metro to the airport and bye bye Glasgow.

My flight to London was a bit late but still ok, my adventure continued...

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