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Was God an Astronaut?

"Was God an Astronaut?" has been a photography exhibition I held in Australia in April 2015.

The most important Religions of the world may have a common origin, what if the stories of the Bible were true? 

Our ancestors saw something they could not explain and they called Gods those ancient visitors arriving with powerful flying machines.

What if extraterrestrials with superior knowledge of science and engineering landed on Earth thousands or even millions of years ago, sharing their expertise with early civilizations changing the course of human history?
Evidence of the contact with ancient astronaut are around us, we just have to open our mind and our eyes.

I may seem a visionary but I think that if we look at the religions without accepting all their dogmas, without having to accept for "faith" unexplained events as untouchable and unquestionable truth, probably we will start to ask us a question.
I don't think that being religious make of a person a good person, we DO NOT need the 10 Commandments as a guideline to live in peace with ourselves and with others.

So said this we can look at the religions like some kind of metaphor and/or invention of humans to explain what we couldn't explain thousands or even millions of years ago. We "decided" that Jesus was born on the 25th of December but it is a lie.
If even the Vatican seems to be open to the possibility that we are not alone in the universe we should start thinking, studying, going to see with our eyes those unexplained constructions that our ancestors could not build if not with an advanced technology.

Let's say that in the future we will discover a livable planet other than the Earth and that we will have the technology to reach it; once we arrive on this new planet we find a primitive population similar to our ancestor, l'Homo sapiens.
They will see our powerful spaceships and don't understanding us and our technology they will exchange us for Gods.
Let's also say that one day we will leave for whatever reason, they will probably start painting in the caves about us using their imagination and they will make mysterious statuettes of "Gods".
In order to allow us to return they will probably start venerating the places where we lived and they will start building temples for us, will be like the cargo cult of the Melanesian Islands

To read more about the cargo cult click here






















My photographic exhibition "Was God an Astronaut?" consists of a collection of 26 photographs of sacred images, ancient Egyptian sculptures, ancient cave paintings, photographs of the Sphinx and the Giza pyramids I took with my girlfriend during our trip to Egypt in 2014 and a sculpture of the head of  Akhenaton, an Egyptian Pharaoh.


Ancient Sumerians, the Annunaki

Statuette dated 1200 b.C.

Modern Astronaut

Akhenaton, King of Egypt
The eternal guardian
King from another world?
The enigma of the Sphinx
Built or found?
Mysterious headgears
Dendera: ancient technology?
Ezekiel's vision of God
Aliens or spiritual visions?
Astronauts 12.000 years ago?
Extraterrestrial contact?
Who were they?
Ancient rock painting of Gods?
Who was Jesus of Nazareth?
Angels or ancient Astronauts?
Miracle of the snow, 15th Century
Magic or technology?
They brought civilization
Thor: God of thunders
Who is Nibiru?
Annunaki, Gods from another world
Lilith, Jewish mithology
First contact
Journey to the Pyramids (S.v.H)
Ra, God of sun
Osiris, the first Paraoh of Egypt
Mysterious aspect of Akhenaton

The titles of the photographs and of the exhibition itself are mainly questions; this because with this exhibition I am not saying that mine is the absolute truth but I want people to think and ask questions to themselves.

   1. Akhenaton, King of Egypt
   2. The eternal guardian
   3. King from another world? 
   4. The enigma of the Sphinx
   5. Built or found?
   6. Mysterious headgears
   7. Dendera: ancient technology?
   8. Ezekiel's vision of God
   9. Aliens or spiritual visions?
 10. Astronauts 12.000 years ago?
 11. Extraterrestrial contact?
 12. Who were they?
 13. Ancient rock painting of Gods?
 14. Who was Jesus of Nazareth?
 15. Angels or Ancient Astronauts?

 16. Miracle of the snow, 15th Century
 17. Magic or Technology?

 18. They brought civilization

 19. Thor: God of thunders
 20. Who is Nibiru?
 21. Annunaki, Gods from another world
 22. Lilith, Jewish mythology
 23. First contact
 24. Journey to the Pyramids (S.v.H.)
 25. Ra, God of sun
 26. Osiris, the first Pharaoh of Egypt
 27. Mysterious aspect of Akhenaton

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